Special Meeting of the ARIN Board of Trustees - 6 November 2024
- Bill Sandiford, Chair
- Tina Morris, Vice Chair
- Dan Alexander, Board Trustee
- Nancy Carter, Treasurer
- John Curran, President & CEO
- Peter Harrison, Board Trustee
- Hank Kilmer, Board Trustee
- Robert Seastrom (RS), Board Trustee
- Chris Tacit, Board Trustee
ARIN Staff
- Michael Abejuela, General Counsel, Secretary
- Erin Alligood, Chief Human Resources Officer
- Alyssa Arceneaux, Exec. Coordinator, Scribe
- Einar Bohlin, VP, Government Affairs
- Richard Jimmerson, COO
- Christian Johnson, CISO
- Brian Kirk, CFO
- Therese Simcox, Sr. Executive Assistant (virtual)
- John Sweeting, CXO
1. Welcome, Agenda and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Review.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm ET. Asked for conflict of interests and there were none declared.
2. Confirmation of 2024 Election Process.
The Chair turned it over
It was moved by John Curran, and seconded by Rob Seastrom, that:
“The ARIN Board of Trustees confirms the results of the 2024 election process.”
The Chair opened for discussion, and asked for a brief description of, the election process. The President stated that it is the same process every year and reviewed the certification process. Per the ARIN Bylaws, the Board confirms the election. He also stated that staff has been making notes on how to improve the process. He brought up that the CHRO and General Counsel are the primary contacts with regards to the nominee slate and with the outside consultant.
Ms. Carter was asked for her thoughts on the election process. She stated that she agreed with the President’s assessment, stated that she reviewed all information, and that she certifies that the process and information was correct.
Mr. Kilmer wanted to share that his main concern was to have a documented conversation in terms of the Nominations Committee. He stated that all information regarding the nominees is turned over to the outside consultant, and because of this it is more difficult to determine that they have followed all the steps. He also stated that because the slate looked the way it did, he wanted to confirm that the process was followed but agrees that there should be some changes to the process in the future.
John Curran asked for roll call vote. Rob Seastrom seconded.
The motion carried unanimously, via roll call vote.
Mr. Tacit asked about when the announcement would be made, and the President confirmed that it would be posted the following day.
3. Any Other Business
The Chair asked if there was any other business. There was none.
4. Executive Session
The Chair moved into executive session at 12:10 pm ET.
Chair passed off the meeting to the Vice Chair. Chair left the meeting at 1:08 pm ET.
5. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm ET.