Meeting of the ARIN Advisory Council - 18 September 2014 [Archived]
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Advisory Council Attendees:
- John Sweeting, Chair (JSw)
- Dan Alexander, Vice Chair (DA)
- Kevin Blumberg (KB)
- Owen DeLong (OD)
- Andrew Dul (AD)
- David Farmer (DF)
- Scott Leibrand (SL)
- Tina Morris (TM)
- Heather Schiller (HS)
- Rob Seastrom (RS)
- John Springer (JSp)
Minute Taker:
- Thérèse Colosi
ARIN Staff:
- Michael Abejuela (MA), Assoc. General Counsel
- Einar Bohlin (EB), Sr. Policy Analyst
- John Curran, President & CEO
- Nate Davis, COO
- Leslie Nobile, (LN) Dir., Registration Services
- Milton Mueller
- Cathy Aronson, Bill Darte
1. Welcome
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. EDT. The presence of quorum was noted, and the Chair acknowledged regrets sent by AC members.
2. Agenda Review
The Chair reviewed the Agenda with the AC, and called for any comments.
The President stated that he wanted to speak briefly on advancing draft policies to ‘recommended draft policy’ status prior to ARIN Public Policy Meetings (PPM). He and EB reviewed the Policy Development Process (PDP) and determined that deadlines apply to changing policy text, but do not restrict when the AC can advance draft policies to ‘recommended draft policy’ status. Therefore, as long as the text is stable, the AC can advance a draft policy to recommended draft policy status prior to any ARIN PPM, as there is no cutoff date for advancing a policy.
OD stated that if the text is stabilized far enough in advance of a PPM, it should be advanced to recommended draft policy status at that time, and he did not see the concern. The President explained that the text cannot be changed within 30 days of a PPM, but there is nothing preventing advancing it; and, obviously the AC should carefully consider this before taking such an approach. The Chair stated that there were other factors for stabilizing text to consider, such as coinciding with AC teleconference discussions, and where those teleconference fall within each month.
EB pointed out that the deadline for text revisions prior to ARIN 34 is today. After today, the text would be ‘frozen’, prohibiting any further edits, as the discussion guides will go to print next week.
3. Approval of the Minutes
It was moved by JSp, and seconded by RS, that:
“The Advisory Council approves the Minutes of 28 August 2014, as written.”
The Chair called for any objections. The motion carried with 10 in favor (DA, OD, AD, DF, SL, TM, HS, RS, JSp, JSw), and one abstention (KB).
KB explained that he abstained due to being unavailable at the AC meeting in August.
4. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-1: Out of Region Use
The Chair noted the shepherds of this policy were not on the call; therefore, there was no update at this time. The Chair noted this draft policy would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
5. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-6: Remove 7.1 (Maintaining IN-ADDRS)
RS noted that this draft policy was ready for discussion by the community, and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
6. Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2014-9: Resolve Conflict Between RSA and 8.2 Utilization Requirements
HS noted that this draft policy was ready for discussion by the community, and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
7. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-14: Removing Needs Test from Small IPv4 Transfers
JSp noted that this draft policy was ready for discussion by the community, and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
AD stated that the President had previously posted a staff document outlining the implications of various alternative mechanisms for transfer policy and suggested it might be helpful to have the document as part of the context of discussion of 2014-14 during ARIN 34.
JSp believed that this policy may be being overtaken by events, and noted that there was a lively discussion on the PPML. He noted that there was much emotion around this topic, and did not see anyone willing to discuss it in non-emotional terms. He stated that he hoped that meta-subjects, such as the document AD referred to, gained traction before ARIN 34; and, that such subjects could be discussed at that time.
8. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-15: Allow Inter-RIR ASN Transfers
SL noted that this draft policy was ready for discussion by the community, and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
9. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-16: Section 4.10 Austerity Policy Update
DA stated that he had posted new text to the AC’s website and was receiving feedback. He stated that this draft policy would be ready for discussion by the community, and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
10. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-17: Change Utilization Requirements from Last-Allocation to Total-Aggregate
AD noted that this draft policy was ready for discussion by the community, and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
11. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-18: Simplifying Minimum Allocations and Assignments
RS noted that this draft policy was ready for discussion by the community, and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
12. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-19: New MDN Allocation Based on Past Utilization
The Chair noted that CA was not on the call, but she had sent email stating that there was no update for this meeting. AD noted that this draft policy was ready for discussion by the community, and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October.
13. Draft Policy ARIN-2014-20: Transfer Policy Slow-Start and Simplified Needs Verification
KB noted that this draft policy was ready for discussion by the community and would be discussed at the ARIN 34 PPM in Baltimore in October. He stated that there was a good discussion on the Public Policy Mailing List (PPML), and that he was looking forward to healthy discussion during the ARIN 34 PPM. He stated there were minor changes to policy to be done but that he would make sure they were posted today. KB stated he would also request a staff and legal review to the Chair. He believed it would be pertinent to the policy discussion for the community at ARIN 34.
The Chair stated that each shepherd on a draft policy should let ARIN staff know if the staff and legal review should be posted in the discussion guide. The Chair would work with staff on this item.
DF pointed out that if a review has been performed, it would have been posted and would be in the archive for that policy – if it was not there, then a request can be made. The staff agreed with DF’s comment.
14. Improve Communications Group (ICG)
ICG members: BD (Group Chair), JSp, CA, and Chris Grundemann (Community member).
JSp stated that work needs to be done, and it would be discussed with ICG group members when they are in Baltimore.
With regard to previously discussed draft policies, JSp remarked that he believed that 2014-20 and 2014-14 were ‘intertwined’ and believed that the staff and legal review needed to be performed on both draft policies. He asked if any AC members objected to this idea. There were no objections.
KB, currently at the APNIC meeting in Brisbane, pointed out that he would be presenting an update on the electronic consensus system, with regard to what APNIC on the same matter. He stated he would present an update at ARIN 34 on this topic, as it is being alpha-tested at APNIC 38 currently, and there would be feedback forthcoming.
15. Any Other Business
The Chair called for any other business.
IANA Transition
JSp stated that during ARIN 33 in Chicago, he had the opportunity to discuss IANA transition-related subject matter with the President. JSp pointed out that other regions are already producing advanced output on the matter. The President replied that there would be a session during ARIN 34 to ask the community how they would like to handle the matter within the ARIN region. The President pointed out that it was up to the ARIN community to come up with a mechanism for any output within the ARIN region, as it was a region-wide community effort.
AD requested guidance to be pointed in the right direction to read whatever documents have been drafted thus far. The President stated that the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has put out a Request for Proposals to the RIR and other Internet communities. However, there is only a short time for each RIR to craft a proposal for their region, and to consolidate their proposals for submission. He stated that this matter would be discussed at ARIN 34.
Counsel joined at this time (4:41 p.m. EDT).
ARIN 34 Mentors
The Chair stated that a total of seven mentors were needed to assist ARIN fellows, Postel Network Operator’s Scholarship Awardees and a NANOG Operator of Tomorrow during ARIN 34 in October. He noted there are currently five volunteer mentors from the AC and called for two more to round out the effort. KB and AD volunteered. The Chair thanked them.
Mailing List for IANA Transition Discussions
The President stated that ARIN could post a message to the PPML regarding the ICG RFP kick-off, and that discussion would take place regarding a submission at ARIN 34. However, he noted that such a message would be using the PPML for Internet Governance matters, and that it would result in many new members to the list and much discussion that was not policy related. He asked the AC for their thoughts. It was the sense of AC that the matter should be posted on a new and separate list.
ARIN Elections
The Chair announced that ARIN’s elections were coming up and that he would not be re-running for Chair of the AC. He announced his candidacy for the ARIN Board. He asked the AC to begin considering a replacement for his position as Chair of the AC, and complimented DA’s work as the AC’s Vice Chair.
16. Adjournment
The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 4:50 p.m. EDT. OD moved to adjourn, seconded by JSp. The meeting was adjourned with no objections.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.